Life's full of unexpected things. Just when I thought I've hit my own personal recession -at least, for buying games and books to entertain myself- I was surprised when I found three letters in my mail box that'll help me get through with my entertainment crisis.
1. Reward Zone: Premier Silver Card
I don't get stuff from Best Buy as much as I did two years ago. But, what I can't digitally purchase from the net, I still buy from them. Last year, I did a lot major purchases from their stores. A washing machine, a new PC and a camera. So they decided to upgrade my Reward Zone membership to a Premier Silver status. That means I can get rewards much faster. Plus, they also sent me a $75 gift card as a bonus. Nice.
2. Hallmark Insights Certificate
We have an awards program at work that you get a star pin every time somebody writes you a positive letter. If you get enough stars (5 stars, I think), the administrative team will send you a $25 certificate that you can redeem for any gift card on the merchant list. The merchant list is impressive and includes a lot of choices from restaurants (Applebee's, Red Lobster) to stores (Buckle, Barnes & Nobles). They even have Amazon. So I think I'm gonna use this to order some books online.
3. State Tax Refund
I got my Tax Refund earlier than I expected. It's not much ($60) but this will amount to 4-5 books and/or graphic novels.
Well I'm pretty stoked. Now I have to decide which books and games I have to buy for my summer entertainment.
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