

I know a lot of people don't like Windows Vista that much. Me, having a huge memory on my machine, I don't have problems with it. Nonetheless, I'm excited about the new Windows 7. Why? Well, just check these tests conducted by CNET, because it's kicking some Apple ass. Also, if you're not convinced by the test (and the Family Guy Endorsement), look for articles online that compares Windows 7 and Snow Leopard. Some of these articles may favor one or the other. But it really shows that Microsoft is finally taking the fight to Apple. So, now, as a PC user, I can walk with my head up high, and not having some Mac user sneer at me as if I'm sub-human.

Plus, I'm also excited to see how my gaming PC work on Windows 7. Although I won't be getting the new OS until I secure some vacation days at work. New OS means a clean install and, to me, that's a lot of work.

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