
Role-Play Online. net

Last time, I wrote that I got a couple of D20 Modern RPG Books and how I planned to get a group going. Well, I still haven't found people to play some good old table-top role-playing with me. However, I found a great forum called Role-Play Online that let's you run your campaigns and provide you with dice rollers and character sheets.

I'm still new to these Role-Play Online forum, and not to mention I'm new to forum based RPG'ing. So right now I just joined a couple of games, hanging out and observing how things work in the forum. Maybe sooner or later, I'll start my own campaign.

Anyways, if you're interested, here's the two D20 Modern games that I'm playing right now: A Bad Feeling and Justic INC, both are under the contemporary category. You can join in if you want and maybe we'll see each other there.