Character Build: X-Men Legends II Pt. 2
Last time, I wrote a team build, Flaming Tongue and Swords, for X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse that features Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Sunfire, and Toad. Now, I bring you yet another team build for the same game. Although this time the team build is not designed for damage dealing. But I can assure you that the team, like the first one, is as fun to play.
Triple Beam CommandTeam Roster and Bonus:
Cyclops, Iceman, Magneto, and Professor X forms the Old School team bonus and receives +15% bonus on their max energy points.
This team wasn't designed to be the ultimate killing machine in X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. However, it was built for gaining insane amounts of experience points from combination attacks, or combos. In order to that you need a character with a Leadership skill and a beam attack.
The Leadership skill will increase the critical chance dealt by the whole team and also increases the amount of experience gained from combos. At maximum level, Leadership skill adds +92% to experience gained from combo. Since three characters on this team has the Leadership skill -Cyclops, Magneto, and Professor X- and its effect stacks up, you'd gain +276% experience on combos. But it only works if you hit combos, and hitting combos is a bit tricky.
In order for you to hit combos everytime, you need attacks with the same travel speed. Beam attacks, in my opinion and experience, are ideal attacks for hitting combos since most of them travel fast and at the same speed too. So Cyclops' Fusion Beam, Iceman's Slow/Freeze Beam, and Magneto's Magnetic Shell are quite effective. Moreover, all three beams inflicts different damage types. So opponents with some sort of resistance isn't quite safe. In addition, with the team bonus, +15% to maximum energy, you won't find yourself out of energy very often.
CyclopsThe boy scout, uptight leader of the X-Men. He's always a wuss, may it be in the comics, movies, or this game. If not for his Leadership skills, Toad would've been in his pedestal to complete the team.
The first thing you need to do with Cyclops is to maximize his Leadership skill right away to get the full benefits. His main attack would be the Fusion Beam, available at level 21, which is a beam attack that adds more than 300 radiation damage over 3 seconds at maximum level. Don't invest points in Optic Beam. While it is one of his better attacks, its increased speed will be out of sync with Iceman's and Magneto's beams, making it harder to hit combos. You also need to invest points on Polarized Beam, which is a good crowd softener if you're overwhelmed by mobs of enemies. Visor Upgrade, a passive skill that increases the damage and critical chance of Cyclop's visor beam attacks, is also a must. Of course, Mutant Master is much needed so you can 'spam' his powers.
For building Cyclop's stats, you need to prioritize Focus in order to raise his energy points. Body comes next to give him a high health and make him a bit more sturdy. Then dump the remaining point into Speed to increase his defense.
Fusion Beam: Maximize
Polarized Beam: Maximize
Visor Upgrade: Maximize
Leadership: Maximize
Mutant Master: Maximize
2 Focus
1 Body
1 Focus/1 Speed
IcemanThe coolest character on the team -both literally and figuratively speaking. He has some good ranged attacks that slows down, or freezes, the enemies, making him a good crowd controller/softener.
You have two choices for Iceman's main attack, the Slow Beam or the Freeze Beam. Both are beam attacks with the same execution speed, damage output, and energy point cost. The only thing different is that Slow Beam only slows enemies while Freeze beam freezes enemies. Of course, you got the first level of Slow Beam for free while Freeze beam becomes available at level 7. As for your crowd control attacks, Cold Crush is a nice projectile that deals 150 cold damage and freezes enemies for 3 seconds. Moreover, its explosion deals a lesser amount of damage and slows those within the radius. Cold Mastery, a passive skill, will also increase the damage and critical chance by Iceman's cold attacks, and his cold resistance. Mutant Master is also a must-have skills that will give Iceman's attack a good run.
For Iceman's stats, prioritize his Focus to increase his energy points that fuels his attacks. a point to his Body every level will increase his health, making him a bit sturdier. Then throw the extra point into his Speed to increase his defense.
Slow Beam: Maximize or None (if you choose Freeze Beam)
Freeze Beam: Maximize or None (If you choose Slow Beam)
Cold Crush: Maximize
Cold Mastery: Maximize
Mutant Master: Maximize
2 Focus
1 Body
1 Focus/1 Speed (Even/Odd Levels)
MagnetoThe Master of Magnetism is the most important member of the team. He's the only flier, a bridge builder, and his Levitation skill will help the team finish certain objectives.
Magneto's best attack in this team would be the Magnetic Shell. It's a beam attack that, when maximized, inflicts 200 energy damage, holding enemies in place for 7 seconds, and can build bridges. It's also a beam attack so its speed is the same as Iceman's Slow Beam/Freeze Beam and Cyclops' Fusion Beam. However, its execution time is much delayed. So you might want to control Magneto for a better chance of hitting combos with Iceman and Cyclops. Shrapnel Sentry also makes a good crowd control when swarmed by enemies. Intimidation is also a nice passive skill that increases Magneto's defense and reduces the damage he receives. Mutant Master, of course, is essential to fuel your attacks. More importantly, don't forget his Leadership skill, the reason why he's on this team. If possible, try maximizing this skill early on so you'd get its full benefits right away.
As for Magneto's stats, prioritize Focus to build up his energy points that will power his attacks. Then his Body to make him more hardy. The remaining point you distribute into Speed to raise up his defense.
Magnetic Shell: Maximize
Shrapnel Sentry: Maximize
Intimidation: Maximize
Leadership: Maximize
Mutant Master: Maximize
Levitation: 1 Point or 8 Points (for lifting/pushing massive objects)
Flight: 1 Point
2 Focus
1 Body
1 Focus/2 Speed (Even/Odd Levels)
Professor XProfessor X only have a few good skills. Besides that, you need to defeat all Danger Room courses to unlock him. But his Leadership skill, and if built correctly, makes him a welcome addition to any team.
Professor X will be the only melee attacker on the team, which is quite odd for a crippled telepath. His most basic skill, Cleave, when maximized, deals more than 300 physical damage and a 30% chance of causing a deadly strike (instant health point loss) . It's also a good crowd control since it has a long reach and swings an arc of 180 degrees. Clairvoyance is also a good passive skill that increases movement speed and reduces the amount of damage received, making the Professor a more resilient fighter. Since the team inflicts a low overall damage, you also need to invest in Telepathic Link. It's a boost which will increase the attack and damage output of the team. Mutant Master is also a must since you'll be utilizing your Cleave attack frequently. Last, but definitely not the least, is his Leadership skill. Like Cyclops and Magneto, you need to maximize this skill early on so you can receive its benefits.
For Professor X's stats, you need to build up his Focus, to increase his energy points, and Strike, to increase his base damage. So 2 points on Strike and 1 into Focus every level. Then you distribute the remaining point between Body and Speed in alternate levels. Stop throwing points into Strike when it reaches 50. Then distribute those points into Focus and Body
Cleave: Maximize
Clairvoyance: Maximize
Telephatic Link: Maximize
Leadership: Maximize
Mutant Master: Maximize
2 Strike
1 Focus
1 Body/1 Speed (Even/Odd Levels)
At Strike 50
2 Focus
1 Body
1 Focus/1 Speed (Even/Odd Levels)
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