6 Games for 2006
The long drought is over and PC gaming will flourish well this year. Windows Vista, a new OS that will focus on PC gaming might make it on the market late this year. Not only that, 2006 have a very promising line up of games. Although, with my tight budget, I'm going to limit myself with six games.
Neverwinter Nights 2Neverwinter Nights, although its single player campaign was beyond salvage, is one of my favorite Dungeons & Dragons RPG because of its toolset, and large community. This time, however, in the hands of Obsidian Entertainment, I have no doubt that the sequel will have a solid single player campaign (if the game is not buggy or unfinished like Knights of the Old Republic II). Besides the story, I'm also excited to see the capabilites of the new toolset.
Age of PiratesSea Dogs was the first pirate RPG I've played. I was very excited when Sea Dogs 2 was announced in 2003. But my excitement didn't last long when Disney Interactive bought the game, dumbed it down for the children, and renamed it to Pirates of the Carribean. Hopefully, this time, since Pirates of the Carribean 2 is on its way, Disney will stay out and keep Age of Pirates the true sequel to Sea Dogs.
The WitcherSince this game is based on a fantasy novel that is famous in Poland, I have no doubts that this will have a strong storyline. I'm also excited about the atmosphere of the gameworld which has more grit and grime than your actual medieval fantasy based RPG.
Gothic IIIThe Gothic series captivated me from the start with its freeform gameplay, explorable world, and nice storyline. This time, with the better graphics and a much bigger world to explore, I expect nothing less from the sequel.
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthThinking that this game is based on the world created by H.P. Lovecraft, the master writer of horror, makes my spine shiver in anxious anticipation. Already out on the XBOX, I can't wait for it to come out on PC and experience the much hyped feature: the "Sanity" system.
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey 2The Longest Journey is probably one of the most beautiful games ever made. Great story, strong characters, and unique game environment. If Dreamfall could top its predecessor...I'd be in heaven.
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