
Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh

We celebrated Christmas with our friends and family last night. It was a lot of fun, and the food was great. Although my Mom didn't cook a lot since she worked earlier yesterday. She only made Pancit Molo, Shrimp Egg Rolls, and her infamous Chicken Macaroni Salad. Then I just ordered Empanada from a Filipino bakery, and Pad Thai from a Thai restaurant. Since it was a pot luck, my Mom's friends also bought some Dinuguan, Orange Chicken, and Roasted Chicken. There weren't many of us, however, since none of my friends came. But my uncle and 2 of my aunts, from New York, also spent Christmas with us.

As for the presents, I actually got the things that I want, need, or able to like.

My Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh.
  1. Absolute Watchmen - I've been wanting this graphic novel ever since I gave my trade paperback away. But it have been out of stock since DC re-released it last November, and trying to win it on eBay is hard. But my Dad got lucky and, knowing that I wanted it, nabbed it from the shelves of Borders.
  2. Beck: The Mongolian Chop Squad (Complete Series) - This was a gift from the husband of my Mom's friend, who's an anime geek. He told me to watch this series last year. But I wasn't able to. So, finally, he got me the whole series on DVD. I'm going to watch this later today.
  3. Personal Trainer: Cooking - My sister bought this game, or an interactive cookbook, for me. She saw the TV ad and thought, since my cooking suck, it would be a perfect gift.
  4. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - My Mom gave me this, and it is probably the most unexpected gift that I got. I wasn't even thinking about this game but my Mom told me it's the number one game for the NDS on every holiday buyer's guide that she had read.
  5. Remington Electric Shaver - A gift from my Aunt. It's weird because she knows that I don't have much facial hair. I only shave once a week. Nonetheless, I will use it.
  6. $60 worth of assorted gift cards (Eddie Bauer, Target, and Napster) - It's no surprise that I got a bunch of gift cards. It always happens every year. I guess a lot of my Mom's friends still have no clue of what I like.
All in all, despite the economic recession, it was a good Christmas. There were food in our plates and presents to open when midnight struck. Hopefully, next year will be much better.

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Level Up said...

Lucky!! I got Proffesor Layton and the Curious Village on DS and my wife got me the 3 Ghost in the shell:2nd gig dvds I was missing, but that was about it. Beck is an awesome anime and I highly reccomend it.